Hydraulic Modular Power Packs

Hydronit AmericasMicroHy xdraulics singolo
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Live Webinar

We invite you to attend our live webinar:



"Hydronit new products and relevant solutions"

Wednesday, October 20th 2021, 2:30-3:30 pm Italian time (GMT+2)


Mr Andrea Gambusera (CEO)
Mr Marco Saini (technical manager)

Webinar new products

In the last few months we have been working hard to develop new products and options, to enhance the broadness and consistency of our PPC hydraulic power packs modular range.
We are glad to share with you all news and relevant solutions.
For all participants: PPC catalog addendum pages with all new products.

 Register now

Thank you and enjoy the webinar!


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Via Pastrengo, 62
20814 Varedo-Italy
Tel. + 39.0362.1841.210
Fax. + 39.0362.1841.214
Email: . .
P.I. 04062040961
Cap. soc. € 50.000,00 i.v.
R.E.A. Milano 1722745

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